CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved 1. Protocol number CTMED575 2. Investigational products 1. Kenrico SAP (Sporolife Activated Prescribing) Sheet / Vitalplaster ® (natural composition with Sporolife) 2. Patch 101 (natural composition without Sporolife) 3. Patch 102 (no composition or empty) 3. Investigator HIKARI RESEARCH INSTITUTE http://www.jphri.jp Shimada, Shizuoka (Site A) Hamamatsu, Shizuoka (Site B) Mishima, Shizuoka (Site C) Japan 4. Sponsor KENRICO LTD http://www.kenrico.com Shimada, Shizuoka Japan 5. Date and report number January 23, 2023 Version 1.0 6. Confidentiality This report is the property of the sponsor and may not be disclosed in whole or in part, for publication or other purposes, without prior written consent from the sponsor.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved 7. Background of Clinical Study The aim of this research is to compare the effect of Kenrico SAP Sheet, a skin patch that contains a natural composition with Sporolife, on the blood and lymphatic circulatory system using a Computerized Tomography (CT) scan. CT scans were administered to the participants and analyzed before and after treatment. CT SCAN: A Computerized Tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays and a supporting computer to create a detailed 360-degree view of the inside of the body’s structures. CT scans can detect impairment to the transport system such as blocked blood circulation (blood clots) or blocked lymphatic circulation (lymphedema). CELLS AND THEIR TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN A HUMAN BODY: Cells in the human body are enclosed in a closed body system separating them from the external environment. The cells are connected by the circulatory system that acts as a transport system. The transport system consists of the blood and lymph. BLOOD CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: The blood carries nutrients and hormones for regulating the body processes, and antibodies for the immune system. When the blood circulation has improved, metabolism may increase causing more calories to get burned when the body is at rest. On the contrary, when the blood circulation is compromised, metabolism may slow down resulting in weight gain. LYMPHATIC CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: The lymphatic system provides support to the circulatory system by draining the body wastes in the form of fluids and proteins from the tissues back into the blood stream, to prevent the tissue swelling. Improvement to the lymphatic system is related to faster recovery of damaged tissues, improved body immune system, and swelling reduction. On the contrary, when the lymphatic system is compromised or blocked, it can lead to many psychological, physical, and social sequelae such as lymphedema and weight gain (metabolic syndrome). BODY FAT PERCENTAGE: The higher the percentage of body fat, the more likely the development of a heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, or diabetes. LYMPHEDEMA: Lymphedema is a chronic swelling of tissues caused by the accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the body. The chronic, progressive accumulation of waste exceeds the capacity of the lymphatic system to transport the fluid. Swelling associated with lymphedema can occur anywhere in the body, including the arms, legs, face, neck, or chest wall. When the lymphatic system is compromised or blocked, it can lead to many psychological, physical, and social sequelae such as lymphedema and weight gain (metabolic syndrome).

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved 8. Clinical Study Procedure A single blind clinical study was conducted in three site centers with Kenrico SAP Sheet ®. The safety of the study was carefully analyzed with risk matrix from ISO 14971 prior to clinical study and deemed acceptable to progress. Kenrico SAP (Sporolife Activated Prescribing) Sheet / Vitalplaster ® was formulated with natural composition that contains Sporolife. Patch 101 was made with natural composition that does not contain Sporolife. Patch 102 was made with no composition or empty. 120 participants consist of random gender and ages 21 to 90 with random health conditions and random stress levels. To obtain a true randomized result, half of the 120 participants were discarded randomly. The remaining 60 participants were divided into three groups of 20 participants each: group I was assigned to Site A, group II was assigned to Site B, and group III was assigned to Site C. Site A and B are experimental groups whereas Site C is the placebo-controlled group. All three sites were assigned for single blind.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved True Randomized Participants 120 participants Random gender, ages 21 to 90 with random health conditions and random stress levels 60 participants Half of the 120 participants were discarded randomly 20 participants Group I was assigned to Site A (experimental group) Screening of the randomly selected participants were conducted for informed consent and medical examination were conducted for safety and result assessment. Risk Matrix from ISO 14971 Risk Study Summary Report from ISO 14971 20 participants Group II was assigned to Site B (experimental group) 20 participants Group III was assigned to Site C (placebo group)

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved 9. Study Duration The participants were required to stay at site A, B, and C during the whole course. Kenrico SAP Sheets were applied to participants of group I at site A. Patch 101 were applied to participants of group II at site B. Patch 102 were applied to participants of group III, a placebocontrolled group, at site C. CT scan, Computerized Tomography (CT), was used to detect any impairment in the body with primary focus to the fat percentage, blood circulation, and lymphatic circulation of the participants. The CT scan was administered on three occasions: before the application, 4weeks after initial application, and 8-weeks after the initial application. Kenrico SAP Sheet, Patch 101, and Patch 102 were applied to the foot soles of the subjects daily for a period of 8 hours with minimal dosage of 2 patches.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved 10. Results Site A Shimada: Experimental Group I (Kenrico SAP Sheet: Natural composition with Sporolife) Screen No. Body fat % Health improvement Special note Before After Changes Before After 4 weeks 8 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks A-5751 28 26 24 (-) 4 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5752 33 31 28 (-) 5 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5753 40 38 36 (-) 4 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5754 28 26 25 (-) 3 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5755 32 29 28 (-) 4 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5756 42 40 37 (-) 5 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5757 43 40 39 (-) 4 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5758 39 37 36 (-) 3 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5759 26 24 23 (-) 3 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5760* 45 43 40 (-) 5 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5761 43 40 37 (-) 6 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5762 31 28 26 (-) 5 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5763 33 29 27 (-) 6 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5764 28 25 24 (-) 4 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5765 40 37 35 (-) 5 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5766 38 36 34 (-) 4 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5767 35 33 31 (-) 4 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5768* 40 36 35 (-) 5 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5769 28 27 26 (-) 2 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured A-5770 35 34 32 (-) 3 None Yes Yes Symptoms cured AVG Average changes (-) 4.20 MAX Highest changes (-) 6.00 MIN Lowest changes (-) 2.00 MEDIAN Middle changes (-) 4.00 MODE Most frequently occurring changes (-) 4.00 *Lymphedema was diagnosed before application and was cured within 8 weeks of application.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved A5751 A5752 A5753 A5754 A5755 A5756 A5757 A5758 A5759 A5760 A5761 A5762 A5763 A5764 A5765 A5766 A5767 A5768 A5769 A5770 Before 28 33 40 28 32 42 43 39 26 45 43 31 33 28 40 38 35 40 28 35 4 weeks 26 31 38 26 29 40 40 37 24 43 40 28 29 25 37 36 33 36 27 34 8 weeks 24 28 36 25 28 37 39 36 23 40 37 26 27 24 35 34 31 35 26 32 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Symptoms Changes at Site A: Kenrico SAP Sheet with Sporolife Before 4 weeks 8 weeks 28 33 40 28 32 42 43 39 26 45 43 31 33 28 40 38 35 40 28 35 26 31 38 26 29 40 40 37 24 43 40 28 29 25 37 36 33 36 27 34 24 28 36 25 28 37 39 36 23 40 37 26 27 24 35 34 31 35 26 32 Symptoms Changes at Site A: Kenrico SAP Sheet with Sporolife Before 4 weeks 8 weeks

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Site B Hamamatsu: Experimental Group II (Patch 101: Natural Composition without Sporolife) Screen No. Body fat % Health improvement Special note Before After Changes Before After 4 weeks 8 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks B-57511 33 35 40 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57521 29 31 35 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57531 30 32 35 (+) 5 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57541 39 41 45 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57551 26 28 32 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema and constipation B-57561 32 34 36 (+) 4 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms B-57572 18 20 24 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57581 29 32 36 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57591 31 32 36 (+) 5 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57601 36 38 43 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57611 30 33 39 (+) 9 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57621 22 24 28 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Symptoms worsen B-57631 18 21 25 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57641 25 27 30 (+) 5 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms B-57651 21 23 28 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms B-57661 18 21 25 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57671 33 35 39 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Symptoms worsen B-57681 37 39 43 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57691 15 18 20 (+) 5 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57701 33 35 39 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema AVG Average changes (+) 6.15 MAX Highest changes (+) 9.00 MIN Lowest changes (+) 4.00 MEDIAN Middle changes (+) 6.00 MODE Most frequently occurring changes (+) 6.00 1 Lymphedema appeared within 8 weeks of application. 2 Lymphedema was diagnosed before application and worsened after 8 weeks of application.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved B5751 B5752 B5753 B5754 B5755 B5756 B5757 B5758 B5759 B5760 B5761 B5762 B5763 B5764 B5765 B5766 B5767 B5768 B5769 B5770 Before 33 29 30 39 26 32 18 29 31 36 30 22 18 25 21 18 33 37 15 33 4 weeks 35 31 32 41 28 34 20 32 32 38 33 24 21 27 23 21 35 39 18 35 8 weeks 40 35 35 45 32 36 24 36 36 43 39 28 25 30 28 25 39 43 20 39 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Symptoms Changes at Site B: Patch 101 Natural Composition Without Sporolife Before 4 weeks 8 weeks 33 29 30 39 26 32 18 29 31 36 30 22 18 25 21 18 33 37 15 33 35 31 32 41 28 34 20 32 32 38 33 24 21 27 23 21 35 39 18 35 40 35 35 45 32 36 24 36 36 43 39 28 25 30 28 25 39 43 20 39 Symptoms Changes at Site B: Patch 101 Natural Composition Without Sporolife Before 4 weeks 8 weeks

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Site C Mishima: Experimental Group III (Patch 102: No composition or empty) Screen No. Body fat % Health improvement Special note Before After Changes Before After 4 weeks 8 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks C-5751 41 40 41 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5752 33 33 33 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5753 32 31 31 (-) 1 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5754 22 21 22 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5755 28 28 28 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5756 27 26 27 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5757 37 37 37 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5758 32 32 32 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5759 27 28 27 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5760 38 39 39 (+) 1 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5761 24 24 24 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5762 18 18 18 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5763 25 25 25 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5764 28 27 28 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5765 30 30 30 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5766 22 22 22 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5767 41 41 41 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5768 29 28 29 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5769 42 41 42 0 None None None No changes to symptoms C-5770 30 30 29 (-) 1 None None None No changes to symptoms AVG Average changes (-) 0.05 MAX Highest changes (+) 1.00 MIN Lowest changes (-) 1.00 MEDIAN Middle changes 0.00 MODE Most frequently occurring changes 0.00

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved C5751 C5752 C5753 C5754 C5755 C5756 C5757 C5758 C5759 C5760 C5761 C5762 C5763 C5764 C5765 C5766 C5767 C5768 C5769 C5770 Before 41 33 32 22 28 27 37 32 27 38 24 18 25 28 30 22 41 29 42 30 4 weeks 40 33 31 21 28 26 37 32 28 39 24 18 25 27 30 22 41 28 41 30 8 weeks 41 33 31 22 28 27 37 32 27 39 24 18 25 28 30 22 41 29 42 29 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Symptoms Changes at Site C: Patch 102 No Composition / Empty Before 4 weeks 8 weeks 41 33 32 22 28 27 37 32 27 38 24 18 25 28 30 22 41 29 42 30 40 31 21 26 28 39 27 28 41 29 Symptoms Changes at Site C: Patch 102 No Composition / Empty Before 4 weeks 8 weeks

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved 11. Conclusion Kenrico SAP (Sporolife Activated Prescribing) Sheet significantly improve blood and lymphatic circulation in all 20 participants of group I (experimental group) with reduction of up to 6.00% of body fat and curing series symptoms of sleeping problems, fatigue, constipation, incontinence, pain, cramps, and headache. The most significantly, it can also cure chronic stress and lymphedema. Moreover, Kenrico SAP (Sporolife Activated Prescribing) Sheet was very well tolerated as no adverse reaction was observed during the study. On the contrary, 20 participants of group II (experimental group) at Site B demonstrated that composition without Sporolife is ineffective and can cause series of health symptoms from the increase in body fat percentage (increase of 9%), headaches, and fatigue due to blocked blood circulation. The most importantly, composition without Sporolife can cause the development of lymphedema due to blocked lymphatic circulation and swelling in lymphatic nodes with symptoms of bloating, shortness of breath, and abdominal cramps. The current findings validated the mandatory requirement of using Sporolife in the product by the European Authority. A controlled group at Site C demonstrated that placebo effect was non-existent. The body fat reduction of 0.05% is too insignificant. Also, there were no significant changes to the health symptoms during the 4 and 8 weeks of the application.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Discussion According to the manufacturer’s product and patent information, Sporolife is a preparation with natural sporopollenin that removes toxins, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals. Sporolife is made up of a major component of the tough outer (exine) walls of spores and pollen grains. The ingredient is a very significant discovery for its reputed analgesic (to relieve pain) and antidepressants effects to relieve stress and depression. In the current human clinical trial, Sporolife was able to demonstrate its positive effect in improving health by reducing fat percentage up to 6% without exercising and curing many health symptoms without the use of external medications. The curing effect is strongly related to the improved circulation in the blood and lymphatic system. In the previous human clinical trial in June 2018, Sporolife also showed a promising capability in reducing heavy metals during the trials up to 97% success rate in removing heavy metals among the experimental groups. Sporolife has been shown as a mandatory composition in the product. In May 2019, the European Authority, a FDA-level European body, requires Sporolife to be included in all composition of a skin patch. A skin patch claimed to detoxify without Sporolife is not permitted to be sold to consumers because it can cause lymphatic obstruction. Clinical study has shown that skin patch without Sporolife can cause toxins to backflow into the lymphatic system causing clogging of the lymphatic tubes. The consumer feedbacks from the sponsor’s site at https://www.kenrico.com/global/alert.html has given warning about the danger of using products without Sporolife and has provided additional guideline in inspecting the product’s label prior to use to ensure that the Sporolife is included in the composition. Based on the validation of results from the current human clinical trial, any natural compositions without Sporolife must not be used for any purposes because they are not safe. They are the primary cause of weight gain and body fat increase. They are also a primary cause in the development of serious and often life-threatening injuries. In all clinical studies including the human clinical trial of June 2018, the control group showed no significant changes to the health. In the current human clinical trial, the majority showed zero health improvement with no real changes to their body fat percentage (negligible number of 0.05%). There were two participants (C-5753 and C-5770) that had experienced a very minor reduction in body fat percentage (minus 1.00%). On the contrary, one participant (C5760) experienced a very minor increase in body fat percentage (plus 1.00%). This result showed that the placebo effect was negligible and almost non-existent.


CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Site A: Kenrico SAP Sheet (Composition with Sporolife) Shimada, Shizuoka (Site A) Participant with screening number A-5751 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5751.01 Scan A-5751.02 Scan A-5751.03 Scan showed 28% body fat. Participant reported sleep apnea, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 26% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported noticable improvement to her sleep pattern and bowel movement. Scan showed 24% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no sleep apnea, no more constipation, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5752 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5752.01 Scan A-5752.02 Scan A-5752.03 Scan showed 33% body fat. Participant reported fatigue and mental stress. Scan showed 31% body fat with signicantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to her sleep pattern and having more energy. Scan showed 28% body fat with signicantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, having more energy, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5753 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5753.01 Scan A-5753.02 Scan A-5753.03 Scan showed 40% body fat and lymphedema (indicated with arrows). Participant reported trouble sleeping, bloating, weight gain, fatigue, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 38% body fat and cured lymphedema with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more bloating, more energy, less constipation, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 36% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more bloating, more energy, no more constipation, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5754 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5754.01 Scan A-5754.02 Scan A-5754.03 Scan showed 28% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, neck pain, hand pain, and mental stress. Scan showed 26% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to his sleep quality, no more pain, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 25% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, more energy, move better with no pain, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5755 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5755.01 Scan A-5755.02 Scan A-5755.03 Scan showed 32% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, and mental stress. Scan showed 29% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to her sleep quality, movee better with no pain, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 28% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, move better with no pain, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5756 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5756.01 Scan A-5756.02 Scan A-5756.03 Scan showed 42% body fat. Participant reported fatigue, chronic joint pain, headache, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 40% body fat with improved to blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, move better with less pain, less headache, better bowel movement, and feeling stress free. Scan showed 37% body fat with improved to blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, more energy, move better with no pain, no headache, no more constipation, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5757 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5757.01 Scan A-5757.02 Scan A-5757.03 Scan showed 43% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, fatigue, and mental stress. Scan showed 40% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to his sleep quality, more energy, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 39% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, more energy, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5758 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5758.01 Scan A-5758.02 Scan A-5758.03 Scan showed 39% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, fatigue, severe mood swings, easy to gain weight, and mental stress. Scan showed 37% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, less mood swings, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 36% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, more energy, less mood swings, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5759 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5759.01 Scan A-5759.02 Scan A-5759.03 Scan showed 26% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, and mental stress. Scan showed 24% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, less back pain, and feeling stress free. Scan showed 23% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more back pain, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5760 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5760.01 Scan A-5760.02 Scan A-5760.03 Scan showed 45% body fat and lymphedema (indicated by the arrows). Participant reported trouble sleeping, bloating, shortness of breath, chest congestion, and mental stress. Scan showed 43% body fat with cured lymphedema and significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to his sleep quality, no more bloating, breathe better, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 40% body fat with cured lymphedema and significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more bloating, breathe freely, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5761 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5761.01 Scan A-5761.02 Scan A-5761.03 Scan showed 43% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, fatique, leg pain, frequent menstrual cramps, easy to gain weight, and mental stress. Scan showed 40% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to her sleep quality, no more leg pain, less menstrual cramps and feeling less stress. Scan showed 37% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more pain, less menstrual cramps, more energy, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5762 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5762.01 Scan A-5762.02 Scan A-5762.03 Scan showed 31% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, chronic fatigue, headache, and mental stress. Scan showed 28% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, slightly more energy, less headache, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 26% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, more energy, no more headache, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5763 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5763.01 Scan A-5763.02 Scan A-5763.03 Scan showed 33% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 29% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, breathe freely, better bowel movement, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 27% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, breathe freely, no more constipation, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5764 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5764.01 Scan A-5764.02 Scan A-5764.03 Scan showed 28% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 25% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, better bowel movement, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 24% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more constipation, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5765 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5765.01 Scan A-5765.02 Scan A-5765.03 Scan showed 40% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, neck pain, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 37% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to his sleep quality, less pain, better bowel movement, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 35% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more pain, no more constipation, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5766 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5766.01 Scan A-5766.02 Scan A-5766.03 Scan showed 38% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, mood swings, easy to gain weight, and mental stress. Scan showed 36% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to her sleep quality, less mood swings, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 34% body fat with improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, less mood swings, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5767 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5767.01 Scan A-5767.02 Scan A-5767.03 Scan showed 35% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, leg pain (varicose veins), shortness of breath (high blood pressure), constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 33% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to her sleep quality, less leg pain, breeathe freely, better bowel movement, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 31% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more pain, breathe freely, no more constipation, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5768 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5768.01 Scan A-5768.02 Scan A-5768.03 Scan showed 40% body fat and lymphedema (indicated by the arrows). Participant reported trouble sleeping, bloating, difficulty breathing, weight gain, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 36% body fat with cured lymphedema and significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more bloating, no more constipation, breathe freely, and feeling stress free. Scan showed 35% body fat with cured lymphedema and significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more bloating, no more constipation, breathe freely, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5769 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5769.01 Scan A-5769.02 Scan A-5769.03 Scan showed 28% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, fatique, back pain, and mental stress. Scan showed 27% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to her sleep quality, more energy, less pain, and feeling stress free. Scan showed 26% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, more energy, no more pain, and feeling stress free.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5770 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5770.01 Scan A-5770.02 Scan A-5770.03 Scan showed 35% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, fatique, incontinence, and mental stress. Scan showed 34% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to his sleep quality, less episodes of incontinence, and feeling less stress. Scan showed 32% body fat with significantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, no more incontinence, more energy, and feeling stress free.


CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Site B: Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Hamamatsu, Shizuoka (Site B) Participant with screening number B-5751 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5751.01 Scan B-5751.02 Scan B-5751.03 Scan showed 33% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping and mental stress. Scan showed 35% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, sudden weight gain, bloating, and mental stress. Scan showed 40% body fat with development of lymphedema (indicated by the arrows) Participant reported trouble sleeping, severe weight gain, severe bloating, constipation, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5752 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5752.01 Scan B-5752.02 Scan B-5752.03 Scan showed 29% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 31% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, sudden weight gain, bloating, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 35% body fat with development of lymphedema (indicated by an arrow). Participant reported trouble sleeping, severe weight gain, severe bloating, constipation, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5753 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5753.01 Scan B-5753.02 Scan B-5753.03 Scan showed 30% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, and mental stress. Scan showed 32% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, sudden weight gain, bloating, back pain, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 35% body fat with development of lymphedema (indicated by an arrow). Participant reported trouble sleeping (insomnia), severe weight gain, severe bloating, shortness of breath, constipation, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5754 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5754.01 Scan B-5754.02 Scan B-5754.03 Scan showed 39% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, constipation, weight gain, neck pain, and mental stress. Scan showed 41% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, constipation, weight gain, bloating, neck pain, and mental stress. Scan showed 45% body fat with development of acute constipation. Participant reported trouble sleeping, severe constipation, severe weight gain, neck pain, bloating, shortness of breath, headache, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5755 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5755.01 Scan B-5755.02 Scan B-5755.03 Scan showed 26% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 28% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, sudden weight gain, bloating, constipation, and mental stress. Scan showed 32% body fat with development of lymphedema and chronic constipation (indicated by the arrows). Participant reported trouble sleeping (insomnia), back pain, severe weight gain, severe bloating, shortness of breath, headache, constipation, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5756 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5756.01 Scan B-5756.02 Scan B-5756.03 Scan showed 32% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, fatigue, and mental stress. Scan showed 34% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, fatigue, sudden weight gain, bloating, and mental stress. Scan showed 36% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, fatigue, weight gain, severe bloating, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5757 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5757.01 Scan B-5757.02 Scan B-5757.03 Scan showed 18% body fat and acute lymphedema. Participant reported trouble sleeping and mental stress. Scan showed 20% body fat and acute lymphedema. Participant reported trouble sleeping, bloating, sudden weight gain, and mental stress. Scan showed 24% body fat and chronic lymphedema (indicated by the arrows). Participant reported trouble sleeping, severe bloating, shortness of breath, headache, constipation, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5758 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5758.01 Scan B-5758.02 Scan B-5758.03 Scan showed 29% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping and mental stress. Scan showed 32% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, bloating, sudden weight gain, and mental stress. Scan showed 36% body fat and lymphedema (indicated by the arrows). Participant reported trouble sleeping, severe bloating, weight gain, shortness of breath, constipation, abdominal cramps, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5759 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5759.01 Scan B-5759.02 Scan B-5759.03 Scan showed 31% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, shortness of breath, and mental stress. Scan showed 32% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, bloating, sudden weight gain, shortness of breath, and mental stress. Scan showed 36% body fat and lymphedema (indicated by an arrow). Participant reported trouble sleeping (insomnia), severe bloating, weight gain, shortness of breath, and deep stress.

CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number B-5760 Gender: Male PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Patch 101 (composition without Sporolife) Scan B-5760.01 Scan B-5760.02 Scan B-5760.03 Scan showed 36% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, and mental stress. Scan showed 38% body fat. Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, bloating, sudden weight gain, and mental stress. Scan showed 43% body fat and lymphedema (indicated by an arrow). Participant reported trouble sleeping, back pain, severe bloating, weight gain, shortness of breath, headache, and deep stress.