CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Site B Hamamatsu: Experimental Group II (Patch 101: Natural Composition without Sporolife) Screen No. Body fat % Health improvement Special note Before After Changes Before After 4 weeks 8 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks B-57511 33 35 40 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57521 29 31 35 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57531 30 32 35 (+) 5 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57541 39 41 45 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57551 26 28 32 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema and constipation B-57561 32 34 36 (+) 4 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms B-57572 18 20 24 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57581 29 32 36 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57591 31 32 36 (+) 5 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57601 36 38 43 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57611 30 33 39 (+) 9 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57621 22 24 28 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Symptoms worsen B-57631 18 21 25 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57641 25 27 30 (+) 5 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms B-57651 21 23 28 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms B-57661 18 21 25 (+) 7 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57671 33 35 39 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Symptoms worsen B-57681 37 39 43 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57691 15 18 20 (+) 5 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema B-57701 33 35 39 (+) 6 None Worsening Worsening Worsening symptoms with lymphedema AVG Average changes (+) 6.15 MAX Highest changes (+) 9.00 MIN Lowest changes (+) 4.00 MEDIAN Middle changes (+) 6.00 MODE Most frequently occurring changes (+) 6.00 1 Lymphedema appeared within 8 weeks of application. 2 Lymphedema was diagnosed before application and worsened after 8 weeks of application.