CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Participant with screening number A-5752 Gender: Female PHASE 0 CT scan before treatment PHASE 1 CT scan was administered after 4 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet PHASE 2 CT scan was administered after 8 weeks of treatment with Kenrico SAP Sheet Scan A-5752.01 Scan A-5752.02 Scan A-5752.03 Scan showed 33% body fat. Participant reported fatigue and mental stress. Scan showed 31% body fat with signicantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported improvement to her sleep pattern and having more energy. Scan showed 28% body fat with signicantly improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Participant reported sleeping very well, having more energy, and feeling stress free.