CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved 8. Clinical Study Procedure A single blind clinical study was conducted in three site centers with Kenrico SAP Sheet ®. The safety of the study was carefully analyzed with risk matrix from ISO 14971 prior to clinical study and deemed acceptable to progress. Kenrico SAP (Sporolife Activated Prescribing) Sheet / Vitalplaster ® was formulated with natural composition that contains Sporolife. Patch 101 was made with natural composition that does not contain Sporolife. Patch 102 was made with no composition or empty. 120 participants consist of random gender and ages 21 to 90 with random health conditions and random stress levels. To obtain a true randomized result, half of the 120 participants were discarded randomly. The remaining 60 participants were divided into three groups of 20 participants each: group I was assigned to Site A, group II was assigned to Site B, and group III was assigned to Site C. Site A and B are experimental groups whereas Site C is the placebo-controlled group. All three sites were assigned for single blind.