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Re(1): Arm Pain

Posted on July 2, 2014 at 09:50:45 PM by KenricoCare
Hi Serena,

The disc in the neck can degenerate due to aging. When we age, the spinal disc lose some of the flexibility making them prone to tearing and rupturing even with slight twist or turn of the neck. When the discs get torn or ruptured, the inner content of the disc that contains rubbery material sticks out from its outer disc casing and pinches the cervical nerves. Cervical nerves on the C5-C6 regulate the arms which is the reason why you have been experiencing pains on your arm, elbow and wrist. In severe cases, it can cause numbness and tingling on the fingertips.

We highly recommend administering The Super Detox Edition (ZEO) to repair the torn or ruptured disc. ZEO contains a patented rejuvenation property that can repair damaged cells.

Administering The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3) is also essential to relieve pain and stress. TRMX-3 is highly effective for curing pain and stress as it contains analgesic (anti-pain), anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties.

The anniversary edition of TRMX-3 (30th anniversary TRMX-3) contains the highest amount of the active ingredients. We recommend that you inquire about the availability of the anniversary edition of TRMX-3 to our distributors.

We recommend the following weekly schedule for you:
Monday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Tuesday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Wednesday: ZEO and KX-2
Thursday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Friday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Saturday: EXA-2i and KX-2
Sunday: ZEO and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is from two (2) to four (4) pads per day every day.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
ZEO: Spine
EXA-2i: Arm, elbow
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney
KX-2: Cerebrum

Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with patented Zeolite and its proven rejuvenation effects to repair damaged cells in the organs
Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with patented Zeolite and its proven rejuvenation effects to repair damaged cells in the organs

Red Edition (EXA-2i) for improving blood circulation, adrenal functions, burning extra calories and for treating cardiovascular diseases
Red Edition (EXA-2i) for improving blood circulation, adrenal functions, burning extra calories and for treating cardiovascular diseases

Green Edition (KX-2) with Tourmaline and Amethyst. KX-2 is intended only for conditions that require attentive treatment and suitable for patients undergoing therapies or rehabilitation
Green Edition (KX-2) with Tourmaline and Amethyst. KX-2 is intended only for conditions that require attentive treatment and suitable for patients undergoing therapies or rehabilitation

Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)
Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)

30th Anniversary Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). Anniversary edition of TRMX-3 has everything from the original TRMX-3 plus 187% more analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)
30th Anniversary Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). Anniversary edition of TRMX-3 has everything from the original TRMX-3 plus 187% more analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)

All the best,
Kenrico Medical Consultation Support (MCS)

Thread overview

  • Arm Pain - By Serena July 1, 2014 at 11:05:17 PM
    • Re(1): Arm Pain - By KenricoCare July 2, 2014 at 09:50:45 PM

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