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Re(1): Lymph

Posted on January 31, 2014 at 03:06:35 AM by KenricoCare
Hi Jason,

If you are administering the Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3) for cleansing your lymphatic system, the recommended placement areas are the reflex points of groin / fallopian tubes / lymph glands. These are located at the base of the foot. For more information of the placement area, please refer to the foot reflexology chart at: https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html.

The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3) is highly effective for cleansing toxins and waste in the body. Cleansing the lymphatic system daily with the TRMX-3 is essential for health because of the toxins that your body produced from your metabolism and toxins absorbed from the environment every day. Human organs such as organs in the endocrine and excretory system will become weakened with aging and affected by environmental toxins. Lymphatic system can be overloaded with excess uric acid, oxalic acid, dead blood cells and pathogens from metabolism. Toxins such as heavy metals also accummulate and stay permanent in fat tissues, liver and kidney until we remove them.

All the best,
Kenrico MCS

Thread overview

  • Lymph - By Jason January 31, 2014 at 02:24:50 AM
    • Re(1): Lymph - By KenricoCare January 31, 2014 at 03:06:35 AM

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