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  • Next topic: achiles - Started by hasina October 14, 2013 at 07:48:07 AM
  • Previous topic: Heavy metal poisoning - Started by Ron October 8, 2013 at 11:47:44 AM

Family advise

Posted on October 9, 2013 at 12:23:59 PM by Curious George
I am a nursing mother but gaining weight, my feet are always cold, and my legs really tired, therefore I prefer sitting. I am 5.5 feet tall and 175 lbs. Sometimes i feel my feet toes are involuntarily moving. I used to get very numb hands in my sleep esp during pregnancy. I am slightly anemic. I was diagnosed with dust allergy but its always dry in my throat and flu like smell coming from my nostrils.
I have a two month old who is being vaccinated. My two other kids now older were also vaccinated and are 10 and 11 now. I have found out that the vaccinations have mercury and aluminum in them, should I continue with vaccinations and detox for these chemicals or not go with vaccinations at all? The newly started Rotavirus vaccination is also prescribed by docs now. What do you recommend?
My daughter 11 is studious but can not focus on anything happening around her, she is in her own state of mind and you have to tell her twice or thrice to follow orders. Could this be just teen age? My husband has bad shoulder pains, lethargy, allergies, bad memory, and no interest in sex overtime, and fat with a large pregnant belly. he weighs about 215 pounds and is 6 feet. The muscular pains are overwhelming for him, leading to neck cramps.

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  • Family advise - By Curious George October 9, 2013 at 12:23:59 PM

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  • Next topic: achiles - Started by hasina October 14, 2013 at 07:48:07 AM
  • Previous topic: Heavy metal poisoning - Started by Ron October 8, 2013 at 11:47:44 AM
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