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  • Next topic: Heavy metal poisoning - Started by Ron October 8, 2013 at 11:47:44 AM
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Family detox recommendations

Posted on October 7, 2013 at 02:51:18 PM by Melissa Schrock
We would like help with recommendations for treatment of our entire family using your detox foot pads. Here are our concerns by person:

6-year old boy with autism and mitochondrial disorder:
Symptoms: muscle pain/neuropathy causing self-hitting, loss of voice/whispering for over a year-anxiety related, speech/language delay, nasal congestion/unproductive croupy cough periodically, peeling rash with blisters on right foot around and between all toes for 2 months, poor fine motor skills/handwriting, emotional issues (anxiety, some aggression, ADHD symptoms/lack of focus, oppositional/does not follow directions well, obsessive compulsive issues (OCD), PTSD from school last year), enlarged tonsils 3+ but not infected, seasonal allergies.

We have used the TRMX-3 gold pads with him before and just restarted them at night the last few days. They seem to help the neuropathy and muscle pain quite a bit so far. He is calmer and better able to focus. Should we rotate with other types of foot pads? Green?

37-year old male (dad): adrenal fatigue, 30-35 lbs overweight, mood swings/irritability, brain fog, a lot of stress due to issues with son, fatigue, fever blisters, seasonal allergies in Spring only.

39-year old female (mom): a lot of stress due to son's issues, foot pain in top of right foot since injury in July - not broken, but dropped metatarsal bone and constant nerve pain and inflammation, chronic swelling in both feet, acne, high cholesterol, seasonal allergies/chronic sinusitis, fatigue, uterine fibroids causing severe cramping and fatigue during monthly cycle.

Thanks in advance for your advice.


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  • Next topic: Heavy metal poisoning - Started by Ron October 8, 2013 at 11:47:44 AM
  • Previous topic: Drug abuse? - Started by Tony October 4, 2013 at 07:30:12 AM
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