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Re(1): Gout - what patch to use

Posted on July 1, 2011 at 03:15:56 AM by KenricoCare
Hi there,

Reducing excess uric acid and rejuvenating the kidneys are important to effectively treat gout. Gout is a painful inflammation caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints. If our pads are used frequently with the correct schedule, it can lead to the reduction to the uric acid level.

EXA-2i, CCi, LEXIRIN, and TRMX-3 are highly recommended to treat gout and joint pains. If the gout is severe, you can also incorporate the Hot Pink Edition (WRX-2i) into the usage schedule. WRX-2i has a very strong effect to relieve symptoms of gout, diabetes and liver problems.

We recommend the following schedule for treating severe gout and joint pain:
Monday: CCi and TRMX-3
Tuesday: LEXIRIN and TRMX-3
Wednesday: EXA-2i and WRX-2i
Thursday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Friday: LEXIRIN and TRMX-3
Saturday: ZEO and WRX-2i
Sunday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
CCi: Stomach, small intestine, kidney
TRMX-3: Brain stem / Cerebellum / Head, liver, kidney, right knee / right leg, left knee / left leg, lower back, upper back, left shoulder, right shoulder
ZEO: Kidney
EXA-2i: Heart area, suprarenal gland
WRX-2i: Kidney, pancreas

All the best,

Thread overview

  • Gout - what patch to use - By Sop June 29, 2011 at 03:46:17 AM
    • Re(1): Gout - what patch to use - By KenricoCare July 1, 2011 at 03:15:56 AM

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