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Re(1): Rash on foot, neuropathy, & bulging veins

Posted on July 14, 2013 at 06:27:58 PM by KenricoCare
Hi Debra,

Heavy metals can damage arteries and organs. Because heavy metals share the same chemical structure to essential minerals, they are easily absorbed and enter the body cells.

Heavy metals commonly accummulate in arteries and organs such as heart, liver and kidneys. Damaged arteries can cause systemic vasculitis which is a swollen veins due to inflammation. Signs and symptoms can include swelling legs and ankles, numbness or weakness in the legs, feeling tired, heavy, and pain while walking or shortly after stopping. You are absolutely correct to take out amalgam fillings because they can cause heavy metals poisoning.

We highly recommend administering The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3) to cleanse heavy metals from the body. TRMX-3 is the most potent pads for cleansing heavy metals and for curing physical and mentals stress. It has a superb analgesic (anti-pain), anti-inflammation, and anti-stress properties.

To repair damaged arteries and organs, administering The Super Detox Edition (ZEO) is highly recommended. Also, if you have swollen legs or ankles because of artery damage, we recommend including The Red Edition (EXA-2i) into your weekly schedule.

We recommend the following weekly schedule:
Monday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Tuesday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Wednesday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Thursday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Friday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Saturday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Sunday: ZEO and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is 4 to 8 pads per day every day.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands
EXA-2i: Heart, suprarenal gland,
ZEO: Spine, kidney, liver

Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)
Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)

Red Edition (EXA-2i) for improving blood circulation, adrenal functions, burning extra calories and for treating cardiovascular diseases
Red Edition (EXA-2i) for improving blood circulation, adrenal functions, burning extra calories and for treating cardiovascular diseases

Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with patented Zeolite and its proven rejuvenation effects to repair damaged cells in the organs
Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with patented Zeolite and its proven rejuvenation effects to repair damaged cells in the organs

All the best,

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