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Treatment for Acne

Posted on March 11, 2013 at 01:25:16 PM by Anne
Hi My name is anne.

Last week i bouth the pads
10 silver patches
10 Aqua tuv patches
10 Zeo Patches
10 Green tea.

I just bought them on random and then saw that i could actually have asked for advice. I have used the silver(two nights) and the zeo(1 night)looks like alot of junk is coming out.

On one foot it almost is dark black and dry, and the other foot is more wet and brown. Does it imply to anything with black and brown and dry and wet.

Also my concern of treatment or detoxing was for severe
1.acne on my back and forehead. I've tried every product made. I have bad itchy skin and dry eszema on my back and now little patches on my chest. It feels very disturbing.
2.liver detoxification is important as it relates to skin.
3.Eyes are sensitive, always get red and blood shot.
4.my left knee in pain.
5.my left ankle/foot sprained in the past sometimes i feel numb on the foot.

Please do let me know the right patches to use and i am definitely willing to order the new ones to suit my symptoms.

I am grateful for your advice. I want my skin to heal and eyes to clear as i will be getting married in near future.

Please let me know your advice.

Thank you so much, your help is so aprreciated.

Could you recommend if i am using the right patches

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