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Update on protocol

Posted on June 13, 2024 at 12:05:18 AM by Hi Kenrico team
Hi Kenrico team.

I have been following tge protocol, I’m on my 14tg day

I started the first protocol on Thursday.

I wanted to update:

My tremors have gone down by 70% and have been sleeping better but still wake up in between the night. No longer headaches or feeling tired after waking up.

My chest pain better but still happens from time to time.

Heart race at night but moreover 70%

More energy during day.

And no more weird pains in legs.

I love dhe less water retention from menopause and puffy swollen feeling.

Since I ordered one month of protocol, my question is should I stick to same protocol or any changes you recommend.

My concern is tge chest pain I still have.

Please do let me know as I will order for two months.

I live in Vancouver Canada.

I ordered from your supplier in us
I was wondering if you have any distributor in British Columbia Canada who Carrie’s your products. Please let me know.

Thank you for your service and gratitude to all team of Kenrico.

Also when I put in the mega feels like the product or tge detox stuff in the pouch likes to moves to one side it doesn’t spread well. When sleeping . Does it matter.

Thank you.

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